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The Right’s Jeremiads Concerning the Left’s Three-Pronged Assault on Democracy Are (Unsurprisingly) Bull____
I would not describe liberal indoctrination through media, academia, and Hollywood as a three-pronged assault on democracy for at least two reasons: There is no indoctrination and there is no assault on democracy (in the ways that the claim implies).
Professor Jonathan Haidt has recently been citing statistics, on several fora accessible on YouTube, about liberals in academia. He claims that the proportion has changed in recent decades dramatically favoring liberals. I have no reason to dispute his claims; I was trained in literary criticism at Brown University in the seventies and have been teaching and studying in California ever since, and both environments felt and feel very liberal.
Professor Haidt cites these statistics in his efforts to describe and account for the high levels of perceived polarization in opinions on many subjects in American society at present. This polarization appeared in the recent presidential election and crops up frequently in demonstrations against speakers at various college campuses and other venues.
Professor Haidt is doing what academics do: they take a systematic look at some aspect of the world as it is, try to account for it using methods of reasoning that have been…